This blog aims to provide graphic art of vinyl records without regard to their music. Something will be in a damaged state, but with time we will be replacing these by themselves in a better state. Bon voyage.



Band or Artist:
Various Artists


Country of Origin:

Country Launched This Edition:


Art Direction:
Eduardo Barreto Filho

Head of Art:
Jonas Plaça

Assistant Art:
Marcia Helena Ribeiro, Antônio Carlos Vignati

“French Cancan”, by Pablo Picasso.  Particular Collection, Gin

Booklet 1:
Vassili Kandinsky: “Knight”.  Particular Collection, Krefeld

Booklet 2:
Jacques-Émile Blanche: “Igor Stravinsky”.  National Museum of Modern Art, Paris; Georges Braque: “The Musician”.  Modern Art Museum, Basileia

Booklet 3:
Benois: “San Petersburg Fair, Scenario For The Fourth Petruchka Square”; Stretch manuscript score of “The Rite Of Spring”, Meyer Collection, Paris

Booklet 4:
M. Larionov: “Scenario For The Renard Ballet”.  Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford; Stretch manuscript score of “Les Noces”.  Stravinsky Collection, Los Angeles; Jean Cocteau: Picture for “The Soldier History”

Booklet 5:
Pablo Picasso: “Pablo Poured of Harlequin Picture”, Artist Collection; “Frontispiece of Stravisnky Mass”

Booklet 6:
René Bouche: “Igor Stravinsky”.  The Bettmann Archive; Pablo Picasso: “Picnic On The Grass”, Louise Leiris Gallery, Paris

Booklet 7:
Georges Braque: “The Musician Table”, Museum of Art, Basileia

Back Cover:
“Yellow Concert”, by Raoul Dufy, Louis Carré Gallery, Paris

Cover (unfocused):

Back Cover (unfocused):

Booklet 1 (unfocused):

Booklet 2 (unfocused):

Booklet 3 (unfocused):

Booklet 4 (unfocused):

Booklet 5 (unfocused):

Booklet 6:

Booklet 7:

Booklet 8:

Booklet 9:

Seal A:

Seal B:

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