This blog aims to provide graphic art of vinyl records without regard to their music. Something will be in a damaged state, but with time we will be replacing these by themselves in a better state. Bon voyage.


As Quatro Estações - Opus 8

Band or Artist:
Various Artists


Country of Origin:

Country Launched This Edition:


Preparation of Texts:
Levon Yacubian

Hélio Leite de Barros, Isabel Raposo, Maria Lúcia de Carvalho Monteiro

Art Director:
Eduardo Barreto Filho

Head of Art:
Jonas Piaça

Assistant Art:
Márcia Helena Ribeiro, Jair da Silva Santos

“Allegory of Spring” by Bortticelli, Degli Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Booklet 1:
“Canaletto The Channel Are of Great Vio”, Von Thyssen Collection, Lugano

Booklet 2:
Canaletto: The Feast of St. Roque (detail), National Gallery, London; “Vivaldi”, Screen Anonymous Author; Riva Degli Schiavoni, Venice, Museum Library Correr, Venice

Booklet 3:
G. Tiepolo: The Minuet, Louvre Museum, Paris; “Hering of Lute”, Ag. Panicucci; Coronelli: Plant Venice in 1693 (AG. Panicucci)

Booklet 4:
G. Tiepolo: Clowns At Rest (detail), Cà Rezzonico, Venice; Canaletto: Bucentauro Front of The Ducal Palace, private collection, Milan

Booklet 5:
“Preparations For a Concert”, Venetian Fresco (Ag. Umberto Tomba); P. Longhi: The Concert, (Ag. Luisa Ricciarini); “Manufactory of Stringed Instruments of The Seventeenth Century” (AG. John Freeman)

Booklet 6:
P. Longhi: Mountebank (detail), Cà Rezzonico, Venice; F. Guardi: Ladies Concert For The Northern Earls (Mondadori File)

Booklet 7:
Botticelli: Allegory of Spring (detail), Degli Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Back Cover:
View of The Grand Canal Tower The Basin Are Landmarks, Canaletto, Brera’s Art Gallery, Milan


Back Cover:

Booklet 1:

Booklet 2:

Booklet 3 (unfocused):

Booklet 4:

Booklet 5 (unfocused):

Booklet 6 (unfocused):

Booklet 7:

Seal A:

Seal B:

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